First time introduce Age Calculator with real and perfect results. It calculates your age on the basis of your date of birth and its totally free app.Its sometimes very handy to find actual age and days between two dates and this app make all things for you.Features* Calculate your perfect age in years, months and days.* Calculate your real age in hours, minutes and seconds.* It is a great tool for anyone who is interested in date calculations.* Automatically pick the current date for Today date.* Today date can be change its flexible.* Smart interface and unique design.* Easy to used.* You can check friends and family age too.* Calculate Family age within a minutes.* All complex task done by app itself.How to use:Start age calculator app and set your date birth. After this age calculator will calculate your actual age in days, months and years.Steps:* Open app and enter to the menu.* Pick your birth date and touch calculate.* Scroll down your results are there. EnjoyPlease share this great app with your friends